Contact details and registration

If you are intested to get in touch, please do not hesitate to email me and leave some contact details:
If you prefer to speak to me instantly, you can ring me on my mobile phone, preferably between 4 PM and 6 PM.
If I am not able to answer the phone, please contact me by sms and I will ring you back as soon as possible.

Contact details:
Petra Blom (Kraamzorg Plus Den Haag): 06 – 20 51 24 70 Email:
Kraamzorg Plus Den Haag is available 24/7 for my cliënts in emergency situations.

Registration for Kraamzorg Plus Den Haag 

Normally it is important to register for kraamzorg between the 10th to the 14th week of your pregnancy. Your health care insurance also needs to be informed about your pregnancy and your Kraamzorg. Kraamzorg Plus Den Haag is a member of the Coöperatie Kraamzorggroep UA. The Coöperatie KZG UA has contracts will all the Dutch Health Care insurances.
If you have decided to choose me as your nurse during the period after delivering your baby, I would like to ask you to contact me to check my availability around your due date. After that you are very welcome and I will send you a digital link to register.

Once I have received your registration form you will receive a contract to sign and to confirm our mutual agreement for Kraamzorg.

According to all the standards in Maternity care you can read my Privacy statement, the professional conditions for kraamzorg (Algemene voorwaarden Kraamzorg) the Additional conditions for Kraamzorg Plus Den Haag, and the document about the Wkkgz (it is all in Dutch, please click to open and read)

Privacyverklaring-website 1december2022
Algemene-voorwaarden-Kraamzorg-BO Geboortezorg
Kraamzorgplusdenhaag-aanvullende leveringsvoorwaarden-september 2022
Klachtenregeling 2024

Registration Form English